Silent Apartment

by damonwatks



This game may contain horror elements that are not suitable to be opened during work.Due to the scary images and atmosphere of the game, it may cause discomfort to players. Players under the age of 18 are advised to play under supervision. Players who are mentally uncomfortable with scary images are also advised to withdraw from this game.Caution!Its nighttime and the dormitory, often rumoured to be haunted by spirits, awaits its other prey.Enter your room, close the door, build your defences and see if you can be the sacrifice that escapes from the evil spirit.Features.Different play modes Allow you to play as prey or evil spiritCharacterisation allows you to choose different strategies to defend against the evil spirits or poison your next victimComplete your first night in the Silent Quarters to earn a newbie bonusBecome MVP among the players for more rewardsWatch out!Its late at night, so hide in your room and fortify yourself, the empty corridors are echoing with the roar of evil spirits.Choose your strategy carefully and stay alive.Dont make a sound, its at your door.